Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Is Safe Enough?

Today's blog is my reflections that stemmed from various conversations/interactions I've had recently. The first of which occurred between me and a friend (Paul):

Me: "I'm not a pessimist. I'm just rational. Being rational is safer."
Paul: "But is safe enough?"

Now, maybe to most of you this doesn't really hold much significance. And, to be honest, it held a lot more meaning in the moment (there's something meaningful about talking under a sky full of stars). However, the question tugged at me the rest of that evening and kept replaying in my mind throughout the weekend. God was clearly trying to tell me something these past few days and I'm only hoping I've gotten the gist of it.

For the past few months-most of my college career actually-I've been constantly focused on the future. I ponder what my career will be, who will be in my life, where I will live. College has felt like something to get through; a step to climb to reach the point where 'real life' will begin. I've never had a clear path in mind (as indicated by my multiple changes in majors) and the fact has made this time period even harder. I know I want to do something radical, something that will make an impact. But that goal has usually always seemed to be waiting on the future. Until now.

When Paul asked me that question, I began thinking about the way I live my life now. Every decision I make is thought out, every plan clearly organized. I've never considered myself to be the type of person to avoid adventures or to shy away from risks. In reality, though, that's exactly what I've been doing. Sure, I took a chance by transferring to a new school, but not before I made a thorough pro's and con's list. I was playing it safe; I was being rational. In my mind, it was better to be safe. I had experienced enough disappointments and hurts in the past to know that I wanted to avoid more. I also wanted to feel like I was in control. But God has been trying to teach me that this is not the way He wants me to live.

After my conversation with Paul, several more people spoke into my life, unknowingly: A coworker shared with me his dreams in life and his passion for thinking outside the box; another good friend shared ideas with me about his own thoughts about the future and how his mistakes have helped him learn; the pastor at church on Sunday encouraged us to live our life with Heaven as our focus, knowing that our hurts will one day be gone. Each of these interactions helped reinforce the message that I need to be living for Him right here, right now. I cannot be afraid of the possible pain because He has me in His arms. He has called us to live radically, dangerously in the face of our society. To be stuck in our comfort zones is to give in to the powers of this world. We aren't changing anything in His name if we aren't willing to step out and trust Him. I'm not saying to forgo all logic and do something foolish. But to be in constant fear of taking the wrong step is to take away His place as the Ruler of our lives.

So today I issue a challenge to myself and to all of you: Take that step of faith-accept that new job that scares you, move to that new city, ask out the girl you've grown to care for, go on that trip across the ocean. Even the 'smaller' choices we make can go a long way towards putting our trust in Him.

1 comment:

  1. I am far too often guilty of playing life too safe. I think this is why God is constantly leading me to one crazy adventure after another. It is his gentle way of pushing me out of my comfort zone.

    Great thoughts friend!
