I am leading a book study for the summer with a group of friends. The general purpose of the study is to learn more about the roles God gave to men and women, distinctively. Hopefully, by learning and understanding these roles better, we can have a better idea of how to have healthy, glorifying relationships with one another. And, given the personalities in this particular group, enjoy some healthy debating as well :)
After the first meeting last night, I began processing some of the conclusions I've come to regarding my relationships with the various males in my life. The past year has brought into my world several new male friends. Now, I am accustomed to having more friends with Y-chromosomes than without...it's simply how my personality works. Men, in general, are easier for me to befriend, for whatever reason. But for most of high school I had the same friends and therefore we were all comfortable with one another and knew each others' various quirks and character traits. Most of the people I associate with now, however, are friends I made in the past school year. Coincidentally, about 80% of them are male, a fact which has helped to bring me to the point I am at currently: where is the line drawn between healthy and unhealthy intimacy in a cross-gender friendship?
This is a question I am still learning to answer and hoping that this study will help shed some light on as well. At this stage in my life, being single can sometimes be more challenging than I'd like. However, I am not in a position of desperation by any means - I am content, for the most part, to wait for God's timing. Should He deem that my life would be better spent in marriage one day, His choice of men is far better than mine, I'm sure. But I also know that He may have other plans for me, those that do not include me taking the title of "wife" and are sure to be equally fulfilling. Either way, now is not the time for me to know. So. For the moment I am merely working to ensure that my relationships reflect Him.
I would, for the record, just like to say that this time of waiting wouldn't be nearly as easy if it weren't for the men in my life who have helped to show me what I could possibly be waiting for. God has blessed me with some male friends who are clearly on the road to becoming great men of faith. I know what it is to be respected and honored as a woman, thanks to the wonderful guys I have the pleasure of knowing. To me, that is a pretty amazing gift.
Thank you, boys. You all know who you are.
You're welcome!